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Prodigal's vision for AI in consumer finance

Prodigal news

Prodigal's vision for AI in consumer finance

Prodigal news

Prodigal's vision for AI in consumer finance

Our co-founder and CTO, Sangram Raje, explains Prodigal's vision for using artificial intelligence and machine learning to transform consumer finance conversations around lending and borrowing, debt and collections, and payments.

"AI is a hot topic. 

It’s reached a tipping point. 

That’s because AI is no longer a nice-to-have. It’s mission-critical to stay competitive in business. 

So that’s why at Prodigal, we’ve built our own machine learning models - which continue to learn from human feedback and get more accurate over time. 

We’re focused on modernizing companies involved in consumer finance who today are struggling to run efficient operations on technology that was antiquated a decade (or more) ago. 

Image quote of text from blog post

Our bold vision is to be the intelligence layer that powers consumer finance. It’s our vertical focus on this industry that allows us to do this. We can go a mile deep to understand conversations. We do this with Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning constantly inputting data to refine our model.

At Prodigal, we envision a world where all lending, servicing and collections teams and processes are modernized with fresh insights powered by artificial intelligence. We like to think of it as human led, AI-powered.

We’re excited about this and can’t wait to see how we can reimagine the way you do business."

Feeling the strain of trying to run your business on outdated speech analytics? You might be interested in what's changed.

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