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Disrupting the status quo: Why I joined Prodigal

Prodigal news

Disrupting the status quo: Why I joined Prodigal

Prodigal news

Disrupting the status quo: Why I joined Prodigal

After five years of leading product marketing at an established software company, I was itching to take on a new role at a fast-moving, early-stage organization where I could drive value quickly. Recruiter after recruiter reached out to grab “just fifteen minutes” of my time to share new opportunities, while co-founders sent messages teasing potentially available seats “on their rocketship” (AKA roles at their SaaS startup).

But I wasn’t looking for just any available opportunity. It had to be the right one.

Only a small subset of companies seeking product marketing leaders met my top requirement of using cutting-edge technology to solve interesting problems. Beyond that, I was looking for a company that was already making a measurable difference for a core group of enthusiastic customers and had overwhelming potential to grow exponentially.  

After a handful of intro meetings with various organizations, Prodigal stood out. In addition to checking all my “must have” boxes, Prodigal was one of the only companies that offered a highly motivated team of experts to collaborate with, an inspiring vision, and a long-term plan to expand the reach of its solution to eager new markets.

Prodigal became my top target. My skills, interests, and expertise aligned well with what they were looking for in a potential employee, and the hiring process moved fast. Before I knew it, I was saying goodbyes and wrapping up my previous role, and preparing to join Prodigal as the Head of Product Marketing.

I’m inspired by Prodigal’s mission to build the intelligence layer that powers consumer finance. It’s exciting to be on a team that is pushing the boundaries of what conversational AI and machine learning can deliver to help lenders and healthcare providers not only increase profits, but also continuously improve customer experience across their contact centers.        

People and relationships come first. Prodigal understands that. Everyone at Prodigal works hard to drive success for our customers, so they can in turn make life better for their own customers and patients. I’m thrilled to be a part of the Prodigal team and motivated to help Prodigal refine and share its story with the world!

Want to learn more about Prodigal? For product insights, reach out to our team below. To search opportunities, visit our Careers page here.


Prodigal news