Prodigal news

Prodigal is a Five9 Accredited Independent Software Vendor

Prodigal news

Prodigal is a Five9 Accredited Independent Software Vendor

Prodigal news

Prodigal is a Five9 Accredited Independent Software Vendor

We like to sit at the cool kids’ lunch table, which is why we’re super excited to announce Prodigal is now a Five9 Accredited Independent Software Vendor on the Five9 CX Marketplace.

In addition to increasing our chances of getting a date to prom, this means we’ve got the integrations with Five9’s APIs to allow you quick onboarding and go-live with Prodigal’s AI-powered solutions.

And being an accredited vendor means our solutions have been evaluated and approved by Five9, so you can proceed with confidence.

Your results are already ready already

If you’re already sitting at the cool kid table (aka you’re already a Five9 customer), you can start realizing results within weeks, like:

  • 12% lift in payment discussions
  • 50% reduction in new agent ramp time
  • 5X increase in QA and compliance speed

Here's your full suite of AI-powered consumer finance solutions:

* Real-time agent assistance to reduce ramp time, ensure compliance, and improve agent performance.

* Automated notes that eliminate agent after-call work and standardize information for easy review and data mining.

* Streamlined QA and compliance call review and tagging to dramatically increase efficiency, offer valuable insights for agent training and business improvements, and reduce or redistribute effort.

Prodigal news