Healthcare RCM
Success stories

Increased revenue without the cost of increased headcount

Healthcare RCM
Success stories

Increased revenue without the cost of increased headcount

Healthcare RCM
Success stories

Increased revenue without the cost of increased headcount

In the competitive world of healthcare receivables management, delivering exceptional patient experiences while driving recoveries is the key to success. 

Annuity Health, led by CEO Tim McCarthy, has always been at the forefront of this industry, thanks to their cutting-edge expertise and technology-driven approach. However, their commitment to innovation led them to seek out new ways to improve their already impressive performance.

Annuity Health initially implemented Prodigal's ProInsight, which automatically reviews every call for compliance and quality assurance. This solution allowed Annuity to double their QA productivity, and also gave them valuable insights to enhance their patient interactions.

Looking to grow with new uses of AI

Impressed with the results, Annuity Health wanted to explore how else Prodigal's consumer finance industry-specialized AI could support their pioneering Annuity One platform. This led to the implementation of ProNotes, an AI-powered solution that automatically generates after-call notes. 

By freeing agents from this time-consuming task, ProNotes enables them to focus entirely on connecting with patients and providing the best possible experience. 

Because ProNotes uses the same AI that is trained on financial conversations Annuity has with patients every day, it understands both the content and context of conversations, producing complete and clear notes. 

When Annuity did have additional requests, Prodigal worked with them to ensure the generated notes met Annuity’s high standards, showcasing both teams’ commitment to innovation and tailoring solutions to their clients’ unique needs.


Incredible increases in agent productivity

The results of implementing ProNotes were nothing short of remarkable. Annuity Health saw a 23% decrease in wrap time and a reduction in agent talk time. These efficiency gains allowed them to complete 39% more calls each day, without compromising on quality or patient experience.

To put this into perspective, matching this increase in productivity with additional staff would have required Annuity Health to hire 19 more full-time employees, costing the company over $1 million annually. 

By leveraging Prodigal's AI-powered solutions, Annuity Health was able to achieve significant revenue growth without the added expense of increased headcount.

Why Annuity's innovation matters

Annuity Health's success story is a testament to the power of innovation and collaboration. By partnering with Prodigal and embracing cutting-edge AI technology, Tim McCarthy and Annuity have not only reinforced their position as an industry leader but also unlocked new opportunities to deliver exceptional value to their patients, customers, and shareholders. 

As Tim puts it, "Prodigal innovates with us, and their technology is so accurate that we can customize it to fit our needs."

By continuously seeking out new ways to improve and leveraging the latest advancements in AI, forward-thinking companies like Annuity Health are driving better outcomes for all stakeholders and shaping the future of healthcare receivables management.

Healthcare RCM
Success stories
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