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Humans of Prodigal: Zaheer Abbas

Prodigal news

Humans of Prodigal: Zaheer Abbas

Prodigal news

Humans of Prodigal: Zaheer Abbas

Zaheer Abbas is a Software Engineer at Prodigal, working in our Bangalore office. He grew up in Shivamogga, Karnataka, and attended JNN College of Engineering at Visvesvaraya Technological University.

Zaheer joined us as an intern before coming on board full time, and we're lucky that he's been with us at Prodigal for over two years now. He's part of the Apps team, working on the back-end. After the ideation is done on the product team and everyone is aligned, Zaheer and the other software engineers come in to build the dream.

Why Prodigal?

I've always been curious. I have always enjoyed getting to know how things work behind the scenes, solving things. just getting intrigued by how complex systems are built with simplicity. So I was looking for a back-end engineering internship to explore that.

And then choosing Prodigal was about wanting to work with the people. I was really intrigued by Sangram and admired his thought process.

I had a call with Sangram (Prodigal co-founder and CTO Sangram Raje), Mayank (Mayank Agarwal, Lead Engineer), the whole team, and that's why I wanted to join - I wanted to work with them. And here I am getting to solve really complex stuff, and also getting to know how actual software engineering works within the industry itself.

When I’m not working, you can find me…

I'm watching a lot of anime recently. I started watching Naruto, and Demon Slayer - I first heard of that from Saumya (Saumya Verma, UI Developer who is also in the Bangalore office) and another engineer who recommended it, and I really enjoyed it.

Mostly I like to stream movies or series, but I'll go to the movie theater for a big release, like Avatar or The Avengers.

What would your co-workers be surprised to know about you?

I don't think they would be surprised by anything now that we all all go to office every day. I started in September of 2021, when we were all still remote. But I've been going into the office now at least four days a week since June of 2022.

I prefer going into the office. There are multiple perks. Just to meet the people you are working with, and you also form kind of a bond. So if you need something, then you just need to pat someone on the back who's sitting beside you and you get it done quickly.

I was very into drawing and painting when I was very young. I had a really good drawing book - I drew things like trains, airplanes. I drew the Taj Mahal once. Maybe that would be a surprise.

What is your favorite Prodigal value?

We take action.

When you know about things, you need to take some action around it and you can't be there sitting idle.

Want to join Zaheer at the company featured by Bessemer Venture Partners featured Prodigal in its "The Rise of SaaS in India in 2023" report? We're hiring!

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