Prodigal news

Joining the Genesys AppFoundry

Prodigal news

Joining the Genesys AppFoundry

Prodigal news

Joining the Genesys AppFoundry

Good news! Prodigal's solutions are live alongside other trusted partners in the Genesys AppFoundry.

Working with Genesys customers isn't new to us - we're already running successful integrations with Genesys users like your team.

But if you're using Genesys, this is just another sign that now is your time to move your business to the next level by bringing Prodigal on board as a vetted and approved AI partner.

What we do for Genesys customers

By using Prodigal's AI solutions, custom-built for consumer finance, your team can increase revenue 10%, reduce costs 20%, and cut risk 50%.

You'll see the biggest impact by putting AI mining insights from the customer conversations you're already having every day. Transform your business by uncovering information like:

  • Intent to pay
  • Customer sentiment
  • Agent behavior
  • Patterns leading to delinquency
  • Upsell opportunities
  • Complaints patterns
  • ..and so much more.

With insights like that, your business can shift segmentation and prioritization strategies as you go, create plays to upsell customers who are on a financial upswing or block delinquencies before they happen, improve agent training, and encourage channel migration to lower costs.

Learn more about insights.

How it works

To maximize insights, Prodigal receives your post-call recordings and metadata in batches each day. Then ProInsight uses our custom AI Intent Engine, trained on over 300 million consumer finance conversations, to deliver insights your business can use right now.

ProInsight also automates QA and compliance review in a fraction of the time, offering 100% coverage instead of a 2-3% sampling, and flagging interactions in need of follow-up.

Using Genesys AudioHook Monitor, Prodigal receives real-time audio streams of conversations between your customers and agents.

ProAssist, our real-time agent assistant, guides agents through calls in real time, helping them do and say the best things to accomplish business goals.

Seconds after calls, ProNotes generates accurate call summaries, slashing manual note-taking time.

Making it easy for you

Genesys customers get a jump on the competition with Prodigal.

1) Existing integrations with Genesys

We work with Genesys customers every day, so integrations are pre-built, pre-tested, and ready to go.

2) Minimal IT involvement

Our modern solutions and Genesys integration means your IT staff won’t have to do much to get started.

3) Live in weeks

We leverage our partnership with Genesys to get you on your way right away.

Ready to learn more? Let's chat.

Prodigal news