
Real-time conversational intelligence in consumer finance


Real-time conversational intelligence in consumer finance


Real-time conversational intelligence in consumer finance

As anyone who has worked in the contact center knows, call center agents in the lending and financial services business perform several repeated manual tasks throughout their day. They have to make multiple attempts to connect with the customers before seeing results, often placing over 100 to 200 total calls per day.

Each of these attempts is typically followed by a series of repetitive tasks that drain the agents, deteriorate customer experiences, and increase the inefficiency and inaccuracy in the processes. In a time of economic uncertainty where every moment counts toward successful outcomes, these inefficiencies are unacceptable. Real-time conversational intelligence products can combat them by supercharging agent productivity and throughput by at least 20 percent.

Prodigal’s real-time product suite and roadmap includes multiple applications: Automated note-taking, real-time agent assistance, automated payment prompts, voice biometrics, and more. Prodigal integrates with several dialers to bring real-time speech analytics and conversational AI to the contact center and empower your agents to enhance payments and collection without compromising customer experience.

Leading the Pack: Demand Real-time Audio from your Dialers

A dialer with real-time audio integrability is going to give your organization the competitive edge it needs. Real-time conversational intelligence is becoming a must-have for most organizations (for reasons we've already described and that you've probably already experienced). It is critical to setting agents up for success.

Prodigal understands the challenges faced by both the agents and consumers. To help your organization to be and stay competitive, we have collaborated with numerous prominent dialers worldwide and developed a solution that can cater to the needs of both agents and consumers. Some of these significant dialers include LiveVox, Five9, TCN, Noble, Genesys, DialConnection, Intelligent Contacts, Ontario Systems, and GoToConnect.

Why Shift to Real-time Products? Productivity.

We're talking about 30 or more percent increases in agent productivity.

There are numerous companies already leveraging real-time, AI-based products to improve their overall productivity and business. However, the problem with most current solutions in the market is that they are not genuinely interactive and do not support real-time analytics. According to the experts, the advantage of AI in the financial services sector is its ability to analyze an extensive data set in real-time and provide actionable insights.

One of the biggest use-cases of real-time audio is ProNotes. It automates note-taking to automate after-call work and eliminate wrap time. Specifically, the product caters to call centers involved in lending and collections, primarily focused on the verticals of loan origination, customer servicing and debt collections.

ProNotes integrates with the dialer to extract audio and call feeds in real time. It then uses Natural Language Generation to transcribe the audio to text and identifies crucial phrases from the conversation.

Agents have to take the call notes to provide information to other agents who follow up on the account, support QA reviews, and ensure transparent audits. However, most agents are not that quick when writing call notes, leading to reduced productivity. ProNotes eliminates after-call work by analyzing and summarizing the call into short notes.

Upping your game with real-time audio

After-call information is good, but let's be honest — you're just too late to the game.

With the possible advancements in real-time technology, customer demands and expectations from a business firm have increased. The future lies where humans and technology work hand-in-hand to deliver optimal results.

And how you choose your infrastructure matters.

Reach out to Prodigal below to discover how to up your game with real-time audio and the resulting productivity tools. We're ready to help you get the right solutions in play.
