Healthcare RCM

RCM teams can use generative AI to increase productivity 30%

Healthcare RCM

RCM teams can use generative AI to increase productivity 30%

Healthcare RCM

RCM teams can use generative AI to increase productivity 30%

Check out Prodigal's CEO, Shantanu Gangal, for a quick video about how RCM teams are getting ahead with large language models (LLMs), generative AI, and machine learning (ML).

Prodigal is the intelligence layer for creditors, including hospitals that provide exceptionally good healthcare. Because we focus exclusively on the administrative side, we don't get into the medical-clinical side of the house. Even on the administrative, back-office side, there is a lot that we can do to deliver an exceptional experience that is very, very forward-looking, while saving cost for our customers, which are large hospitals, RCM providers, and banks.

The advent of really powerful tools, like large language models and generative AI alongside machine learning, which have been on a spectacular rise in the last 10 years, is something that enables them to deliver an exceptionally good service which is now table stakes, but do it at a much reduced cost. Our sweet spot is dealing with providers or caregivers that have between 50 to 500 people dedicated to their RCM team.

We are able to drive a lot of automation in the back office, in the middle office, and make agents very productive. We are able to drive nearly 30% increase in productivity of the RCM teams using our technology.

Ready to learn more? Check out this e-book: The revenue cycle leaders' guide to increasing workforce efficiency with generative AI

Healthcare RCM