Success stories

FCS reviews calls 5X faster with ProInsight

Success stories

FCS reviews calls 5X faster with ProInsight

Success stories

FCS reviews calls 5X faster with ProInsight

First Credit Services (FCS) is an omnichannel debt collection agency and business process outsourcing (BPO) company.

For over 25 years, they've been building a reputation as an industry leader and an impeccable record of compliant collections and receivables management.

But the best don't rest, so FCS replaced their ineffective and labor-intensive speech analytics tool with Prodigal ProInsight: a modern, AI-powered call analysis solution.  

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The Challenge‍

FCS knew even a handful of collection agents potentially wrongly tagging events in conversations or incorrectly dispositioning calls could cause big problems.

And their existing speech analytics tool couldn’t guarantee that it would reliably catch every potential error. 

“We had no dependable way of making sure that we weren’t falling prey to collectors’ lack of knowledge or attention in handling calls correctly,” said Rajeesh Ramakrishnan, Assistant General Manager of Quality and Compliance at FCS.

Hidden red flag issues and possibly overlooked wrong disposition codes could have been creating compliance risks, putting FCS’s sterling reputation on the line.

Their existing tool also required regular manual configuration, which was costly and labor-intensive for the QA team. 

To take their commitments to consumers and clients to the next level, FCS set out to find a modern, AI-powered compliance and QA solution that could protect their risk without increasing the burden on their QA staff by:

  1. Analyzing 100% of calls for compliance
  2. Improving agent productivity and effectiveness 
  3. Reducing QA labor demands

The Solution

FCS found their perfect match in Prodigal ProInsight.

“The problem we were seeing with other potential tools was that they would be difficult to calibrate to meet our requirements,” said Rajeesh. “This was because the script and other necessary elements were supposed to be established by our in-house QA team. This wasn’t the case with Prodigal.” 

Instead of requiring months to create custom call event tags, ProInsight came with more than 400 industry-specific tags that were ready-to-use from day one. And Prodigal’s internal team of data analytics experts was standing by to create the few additional custom tags FCS requested. 

Because ProInsight is designed specifically for the collections and accounts receivable management industry and trained on over 400 million consumer finance interactions, most of its standard settings already met FCS’s core requirements.

In the cases where FCS did ask for some tweaks, Prodigal’s Services Team handled everything, leaving FCS’s in-house team free to focus on their core responsibilities.   

The Results

With Prodigal ProInsight analyzing and scoring every call, FCS can easily catch wrong call dispositions and never misses Do Not Call (DNC) requests and other red flag issues.

According to Rajeesh, “Some of the insights ProInsight revealed were surprising. Like the amount of time agents were padding their downtime by waiting in silence at the end of calls and voicemails.” With that uncovered, FCS was able to coach their agents to improve effectiveness and customer satisfaction. 

Notably, FCS saw:

  1. 5X faster call reviews

    The time it takes for the QA Team to review a call dropped from five minutes before Prodigal to just one minute with ProInsight.
  2. 35% faster client responses

    ProInsight's thorough dashboards allow FCS to respond to detailed client information and reporting requests far faster than before.
  3. Even stronger, proactive compliance strategy

    With ProInsight analyzing every call, FCS can prevent and correct complaints and compliance misses – before they turn into fines or lawsuits. 


By trading the burden of their dated speech analytics tool for the AI-powered simplicity of Prodigal ProInsight, FCS strengthened compliance, improved agent effectiveness, and relieved their QA team’s labor burden.

“We can track collector behavior to improve overall performance in a larger context where all calls are monitored,” said Rajeesh. “This just wasn’t possible with our old manual process.”

Success stories