Business strategy

Improve your results with fresh strategic intelligence

Business strategy

Improve your results with fresh strategic intelligence

Business strategy

Improve your results with fresh strategic intelligence

You've never seen results like this.

Forward-thinking companies are already seeing results like a 4X increase in payments.


They've found diamonds in their data.

Uncovering diamonds hidden inside customer conversations and interactions

“Until now, consumer finance companies have had to rely on outdated account information and static third-party scoring. Lenders and collectors are sitting on a diamond mine with all of the information contained in their customer interactions. Our unique strategic intelligence reveals those diamonds so they can turn them into profits.” -Shantanu Gangal, Prodigal CEO

Examples of how Prodigal’s customers are using strategic intelligence include:

  • Dynamic propensity to pay scoring
  • Account-specific right-time-to-contact recommendations for email and text outreach
  • Objective complaint capture and management
  • Automated upsell and cross-sell signals to indicate accounts ready for new products
  • Predictive alerts for accounts whose activity shows a risk of default
  • Early warning for accounts with behavior that indicates a likelihood of attrition or churn

Turning hidden gems into visible results and revenue‍

Forward-thinking consumer finance teams investing in these solutions are already seeing results. 

One BNPL lender using Prodigal’s right-time-to-contact models to improve its email outreach strategy saw a 14% increase in email open rates, a 27% increase in click-through rates, and a stunning 43% increase in payment rates.

That success is no accident, explained Akshat Vaidya, Data Science and Machine Learning Product Manager at Prodigal. 

“A typical sophisticated lender or collections agency would have 50 or 60 parameters on which they will make a decision. Because we are able to combine intelligence across multiple sources, for this particular lender we incorporated 170 variables in the model to help them drive the impact that they were looking for.”

‍Moving at the speed of AI‍

Each of these intelligence solutions produces powerful results without the burden of building tools in-house, and with the benefit of Prodigal’s industry expertise. And the time is now, explained Scott Hamilton, Banking and Lending Strategy Leader.

“Prodigal makes proven AI solutions that give you tremendous speed-to-market available to all consumer finance businesses. Your peers are already seeing the benefits - you can’t afford to wait."

Meet your AI moment with strategic intelligence just for consumer finance companies like you.

Business strategy