Business strategy
Compliance and QA

The network effect: How debt buyers and lenders are improving agency compliance and performance

Business strategy
Compliance and QA

The network effect: How debt buyers and lenders are improving agency compliance and performance

Business strategy
Compliance and QA

The network effect: How debt buyers and lenders are improving agency compliance and performance

Lenders and debt buyers work with a network of agencies who manage accounts on their behalf. Those relationships demand total transparency, which has been difficult to get - until now.

Because lenders and debt buyers distribute accounts among multiple agencies, they need to be able to evaluate performance in collections and compliance.

Some clients limit the number of calls an agency sends them, but that also limits the benefits for both sides.

Our most successful network teams, like industry leader Cascade365, use Prodigal’s AI-powered solutions to analyze 100% of conversations for information on regulatory compliance and agency performance.

Creating a true network where information is shared between agencies and clients offers benefits for everyone.

Benefits for agencies

By sharing all their calls, agencies get compliance assurance and valuable reporting.

Lenders and debt buyers use Prodigal to analyze interactions and return information agencies can use for remediation, such as fixing incorrect disposition codes, and insight into agent performance to lift revenue and increase profit margins.

Agencies who make smart use of this data to improve can be rewarded with additional account placements.

As an extra boost, agencies can use Prodigal themselves to get that same feedback in real time, rather than waiting for the client to return their evaluations at the end of each month. That puts agencies ahead of the game for remediation and improvements so they can demonstrate a proactive drive for improvement.

Benefits for debt buyers and lenders

Using Prodigal’s solutions to analyze agencies’ customer interactions gives lenders and debt buyers visibility into the work done on their behalf.

There's no wondering what compliance or quality issues agencies are missing - the automated tagging, scoring, and auditing Prodigal's custom-trained AI Intent Engine delivers offer the complete visibility clients need.

Shaun Ertischek, Chief Compliance Officer and General Counsel for Cascade365, explains, “With Prodigal, we’re confident that we’re catching 100% of all issues and we no longer have to search for a needle in a haystack since we can zoom in on problematic calls or issues immediately. It gives us so much more insight into our collection floor and outsourced vendors across our network.”

And with Prodigal as part of the team, data transfer is seamless, reducing operational overhead for both clients and agencies.

This delivers a level of access other networks can’t replicate.

Download the network effect to share the story with your team.


Business strategy
Compliance and QA