#bestgiftever Day 4: Cross-sell and upsell predictions

#bestgiftever Day 4: Cross-sell and upsell predictions

Did you miss yesterday's gift? Not to spoil the surprise, but you can finally identify exactly which behaviors make your best agents so successful.

And here's gift #4, where you can see the future by using custom-trained AI to analyze your customer conversations.

The wish list: I wish I knew which accounts were the best opportunities to cross-sell or upsell.

The gift: Upsell and cross-sell opportunities

What it does: Identifies the signs that an account is likely to accept a cross-sell or upsell opportunity.

Why you’ll love it: Expand existing accounts and make new sales to customers ready to accept offers.

How to use it:

  • Improve customer experience by making offers based on relevant life events.
  • Decide which accounts to target - and which to leave alone - based on their readiness for a new product.
  • Support high-opportunity accounts with products that fit their exact needs.

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