#bestgiftever Day 3: Agent performance analysis
Business strategy

#bestgiftever Day 3: Agent performance analysis

Yesterday's gift was intelligence so you can spot accounts before they go into delinquency or default - take a look here.

The 3rd gift you can give yourself this season is the ability to accurately and objectively figure out exactly what your agents are doing that works - and what doesn't.

The wish list: I wish I knew exactly what my best agents did that made them successful.

The gift: Agent variation and performance analysis

What it does: Isolates both quantitative and qualitative agent behaviors that correspond to KPIs and outcomes.

Why you’ll love it: Train every agent to learn from the best so you can reduce your cost-to-service or cost-to-collect and improve effectiveness across the board.

How to use it:

  • Identify high performers and isolate their best practices.
  • Identify low performers and isolate their greatest opportunities to improve.
  • Coach low performers to use proven high-performer best practices.

This one's a game-changer.

Join us to unwrap all of the gifts at this webinar:

Ready to chat when you are.
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