The multimillion-dollar problem

Every unresolved complaint opens you up to lost customers, fines, and lawsuits.

Identifying and capturing consumer complaints has always been an expensive and clumsy manual process, no matter how much time and money you've thrown at it.

Let’s try something different.
Easy integration

What’s the problem?

Clumsy complaints management is costing us customers.

If the process for managing complaints is getting in the way of agents’ resolving them, your customers are going to look elsewhere. Our AI solutions can help you keep your customers by capturing the complaints so your agents can focus on resolving them.

Missing complaints is putting us at regulatory risk.

Identifying and capturing complaints are important not only for consumer satisfaction but for compliance. Automating complaint management ensures nothing is missed or skipped, keeping regulators (and customers!) happy.

We can’t mine complaints data to improve operations.

By automating and standardizing identification and capture, you’ll be able to dig into data that shows the root causes of complaints and allows you to plan for the future.

Our agents are struggling to identify and report complaints.

We see agents struggle to identify (is this a complaint?), report (will I look bad if I capture too many?), and note (how do I explain this complex conversation?) complaints. Letting AI automate the process frees agents from this burden and improves results.
Meet Prodigal

Meet the only modern, AI-powered solution to your consumer complaints management headaches.

Intelligent automation

Our AI Intent Engine monitors every conversation in real time: identifying complaints, guiding agents through de-escalation and resolution, and capturing them in uniform notes.

Financial expertise

Unlike outdated keyword search tools, our AI Intent Engine is specially trained on over 300 million consumer finance conversations and understands the meaning behind the words people say.

Actionable insights

Not only can our AI Intent Engine consistently identify, categorize, and capture complaints, but it can analyze everything to finally reveal root causes, so you can plan for improvements.


Decrease in complaints


Reduction in incorrectly identified
or missed complaints


Improvement in complaint-
related productivity

“It's the solution I wish I had when I was working for some of the biggest companies in financial services. And it's exciting to show it in action, see people's reactions, and talk through all that's possible now.”


-Scott Hamilton, Financial Services Strategy Executive at Prodigal

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