ProNotes analyzes and summarizes English and Spanish calls.

After-call work is tedious, time-consuming and outdated. ProNotes can help.

Available in English and Spanish, ProNotes analyzes every conversation and provides an at-a-glance summary with actionable insights to help you ensure higher quality on future calls.
MacBook mockup

"We want to know how customers feel. With Prodigal ProNotes, we're able to surface insights about those sentiments and how we can improve."

Pran Navanandan, Founder

MacBook mockup


more calls handled


standardized notes


reduction in after-call work

Use this calculator to learn exactly how you could increase in-call time and save money with ProNotes.

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ProNotes solves for tedious

Less note-taking.

Maximize your operations and save hours of manual work with a single click. Free agents of administrative tasks and give them the capacity to succeed.

Actionable data.

Break down call notes to surface conversational insights and improve calling strategies, enhance readability and accuracy, and eliminate the need for shorthand training.

More engagement.

Avoid multitasking. Have your agents activate their strengths and focus only on building a relationship with the consumer. Leave the note-taking to ProNotes.
Notes in real time or daily batches.
ProNotes is designed to work the way you work best. 
Real-time call summaries in seconds
For customers who pick real time, ProNotes generates a summary of each call within seconds. Agents can review the note before saving it to your CRM or other system of record.
Notes for all the day’s calls in bulk
For customers who pick daily batches, every night, ProNotes generates notes for all the day’s calls in bulk and saves them all to your CRM or other system of record at the same time.

Read. Download. Revolutionize.

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